[python-win32] Question?

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Sat Jun 6 01:03:20 CEST 2009

pop davis wrote:
> Hello. I have a Question About python2.2 pywin 32.  What is python all
> about. I have never used it. But is is no my computer,And taking up a
> lot of my disk space, Does it have something to do  with my computer.
> Will my computer operate without it. If so. Then I want to delete it
> off my computer. Thank you kindly. J. Davis.

Python is a computer language, used for programming your computer.  It
is possible that some other package that you installed is written in
Python, and the authors chose to install the whole thing.

It is not "taking up a lot of [your] disk space".  I have quite a number
of extra packages installed, and my entire Python directory is only 133
megabytes.  At today's disk prices, that's less than 8 cents worth of
disk space.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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