[python-win32] how to use CreateProcessWithLogonW

Mario Alejandro Vilas Jerez mvilas at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 23:38:49 CEST 2009

How about this?

import ctypes

NULL  = 0
TRUE  = 1


WORD   = ctypes.c_ushort
DWORD  = ctypes.c_uint
LPSTR  = ctypes.c_char_p

# typedef struct _PROCESS_INFORMATION {
#     HANDLE hProcess;
#     HANDLE hThread;
#     DWORD dwProcessId;
#     DWORD dwThreadId;
   _pack_   = 1
   _fields_ = [
       ('hProcess',    HANDLE),
       ('hThread',     HANDLE),
       ('dwProcessId', DWORD),
       ('dwThreadId',  DWORD),

# typedef struct _STARTUPINFO {
#     DWORD   cb;
#     LPSTR   lpReserved;
#     LPSTR   lpDesktop;
#     LPSTR   lpTitle;
#     DWORD   dwX;
#     DWORD   dwY;
#     DWORD   dwXSize;
#     DWORD   dwYSize;
#     DWORD   dwXCountChars;
#     DWORD   dwYCountChars;
#     DWORD   dwFillAttribute;
#     DWORD   dwFlags;
#     WORD    wShowWindow;
#     WORD    cbReserved2;
#     LPBYTE  lpReserved2;
#     HANDLE  hStdInput;
#     HANDLE  hStdOutput;
#     HANDLE  hStdError;
class STARTUPINFO(Structure):
   _pack_   = 1
   _fields_ = [
       ('cb',              DWORD),
       ('lpReserved',      DWORD),     # LPSTR
       ('lpDesktop',       LPSTR),
       ('lpTitle',         LPSTR),
       ('dwX',             DWORD),
       ('dwY',             DWORD),
       ('dwXSize',         DWORD),
       ('dwYSize',         DWORD),
       ('dwXCountChars',   DWORD),
       ('dwYCountChars',   DWORD),
       ('dwFillAttribute', DWORD),
       ('dwFlags',         DWORD),
       ('wShowWindow',     WORD),
       ('cbReserved2',     WORD),
       ('lpReserved2',     DWORD),     # LPBYTE
       ('hStdInput',       DWORD),
       ('hStdOutput',      DWORD),
       ('hStdError',       DWORD),

# BOOL WINAPI CreateProcessWithLogonW(
#   __in         LPCWSTR lpUsername,
#   __in_opt     LPCWSTR lpDomain,
#   __in         LPCWSTR lpPassword,
#   __in         DWORD dwLogonFlags,
#   __in_opt     LPCWSTR lpApplicationName,
#   __inout_opt  LPWSTR lpCommandLine,
#   __in         DWORD dwCreationFlags,
#   __in_opt     LPVOID lpEnvironment,
#   __in_opt     LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
#   __in         LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo,
#   __out        LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInfo
# );
def CreateProcessWithLogonW(lpUsername = None, lpDomain = None, lpPassword =
None, dwLogonFlags = 0, lpApplicationName = None, lpCommandLine = None,
dwCreationFlags = 0, lpEnvironment = None, lpCurrentDirectory = None,
lpStartupInfo = None):
   if not lpUsername:
       lpUsername          = NULL
       lpUsername          = ctypes.c_wchar_p(lpUsername)
   if not lpDomain:
       lpDomain            = NULL
       lpDomain            = ctypes.c_wchar_p(lpDomain)
   if not lpPassword:
       lpPassword          = NULL
       lpPassword          = ctypes.c_wchar_p(lpPassword)
   if not lpApplicationName:
       lpApplicationName   = NULL
       lpApplicationName   = ctypes.c_wchar_p(lpApplicationName)
   if not lpCommandLine:
       lpCommandLine       = NULL
       lpCommandLine       = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(lpCommandLine)
   if not lpEnvironment:
       lpEnvironment       = NULL
       lpEnvironment       = ctypes.c_wchar_p(lpEnvironment)
   if not lpCurrentDirectory:
       lpCurrentDirectory  = NULL
       lpCurrentDirectory  = ctypes.c_wchar_p(lpCurrentDirectory)
   if not lpStartupInfo:
       lpStartupInfo              = STARTUPINFO()
       lpStartupInfo.cb           = sizeof(STARTUPINFO)
       lpStartupInfo.lpReserved   = 0
       lpStartupInfo.lpDesktop    = 0
       lpStartupInfo.lpTitle      = 0
       lpStartupInfo.dwFlags      = 0
       lpStartupInfo.cbReserved2  = 0
       lpStartupInfo.lpReserved2  = 0
   lpProcessInformation              = PROCESS_INFORMATION()
   lpProcessInformation.hProcess     = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
   lpProcessInformation.hThread      = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
   lpProcessInformation.dwProcessId  = 0
   lpProcessInformation.dwThreadId   = 0
   success = ctypes.windll.advapi32.CreateProcessWithLogonW(lpUsername,
lpDomain, lpPassword, dwLogonFlags, lpApplicationName,
ctypes.byref(lpCommandLine), dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment,
lpCurrentDirectory, ctypes.byref(lpStartupInfo),
   if success == FALSE:
       raise ctypes.WinError()
   return lpProcessInformation

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Tim Roberts <timr at probo.com> wrote:
> Emin.shopper Martinian.shopper wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Tim Roberts <timr at probo.com> wrote:
>>> Emin.shopper Martinian.shopper wrote:
>>>> Dear Experts,
>>>> Can someone provide an example of how to use CreateProcessWithLogonW?
>>> It's really just a combination of LogonUser and CreateProcess.
>> Right, the problem is that I don't see it in win32process. Where do I
>> get CreateProcessWithLogonW?
> Well, there's always ctypes...
> --
> Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
> Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.
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HONEY: I want to… put some powder on my nose.
GEORGE: Martha, won’t you show her where we keep the euphemism?
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