[python-win32] dbi module deprecated at 2.5. What to use in its place in 2.5, 2.6, and 3.0?

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 14:31:41 CEST 2009

On 8/07/2009 9:19 PM, Dana N wrote:
> I have a variety of Python 2.4 scripts that utilitize the dbi and odbc
> modules together. Although I don't have Python 2.5, I've been informed
> the dbi module has been deprecated at pywin32 2.5.
> What do I use in place of dbi for my Python 2.4 scripts that
> import modules dbi and odbc together.I don't use DBI directly. It was
> simply a dependency for the odbc module as best I knew.
> We're still using pywin32 2.5 because that's what our software vendor
> (ESRI / ArcGIS Desktop 9.3) supports.

dbi and odbc have been integrated - if you don't directly use dbi, just 
stop importing it, and eventually you will never notice it going away. 
If you do use it directly, everything you used is now available directly 
in the odbc module.



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