[python-win32] Serious bug in pywin32?

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 23:39:07 CET 2009

Please file a bug and I'll try and nail it before the next release 
(pythonwin itself is now much more unicode aware - it now even allows 
each file to have its own encoding - but I'm yet to implement the 
encoding detection beyond detecting a BOM...)

Note I'm not that familiar with changing language etc options, so please 
try and be as explicit as possible in the repro steps.



On 31/01/2009 2:13 AM, Mark Tolonen wrote:
> "Dahlstrom, Roger" <rdahlstrom at directedge.com> wrote in message
> news:70D9B06B9E99EE4E98E4893703ADA1411199A3EAAA at EXCHANGE1.global.knight.com...
>> Tried it in a few versions on a couple computers, and was unable to
>> reproduce.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: python-win32-bounces+rdahlstrom=directedge.com at python.org
>> [mailto:python-win32-bounces+rdahlstrom=directedge.com at python.org] On
>> Behalf Of Mark Tolonen
>> Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 9:16 AM
>> To: python-win32 at python.org
>> Subject: [python-win32] Serious bug in pywin32?
>> Today I ran PythonWin and accidentally typed 'python' at the interactive
>> prompt out of habit, since I often use the cmd prompt instead. PythonWin
>> immediately crashed. I re-ran PythonWin and tried again. Same crash. Ran
>> again...typed 'import os'. No crash, but the interactive prompt hung.
>> Anything typed at the interactive prompt now hangs.
>> I have removed and reinstalled pywin32. I even removed and reinstalled my
>> entire Python 2.6.1 installation (including deleting any
>> Python-related keys
>> in the registry). It still doesn't work :'(
>> Python itself (run from the command line) gives the expected:
>> Python 2.6.1 (r261:67517, Dec 4 2008, 16:51:00) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
>> (Intel)]
>> on
>> win32
>> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>>> python
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>> File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>> NameError: name 'python' is not defined
>> Any ideas how to get PythonWin working again? Anyone else see the same
>> issue (don't try this on your favorite system). I will file a bug on
>> SourceForge.
> I tracked down the source of the problem.
> I am using Windows XP, SP3. Two days ago I changed Control Panel,
> Regional and Language Options, Advanced tab, "Select a language to match
> the language version of the non-Unicode programs you want to use:" from
> "English (United States)" to "Chinese (PRC)" to work with Python 2.6 and
> 3.0 Unicode scripts dealing with Chinese characters at the console
> prompt. I was able to fix the problem by returning the setting to
> English, and reproduce the problem by setting it back to Chinese. It
> turns out typing any command that throws an exception will crash
> PythonWin with this setting, and any valid command hangs the interactive
> prompt.
> I thought I'd used PythonWin since making the change, but it was
> probably on another computer. Does PythonWin normally work on Chinese
> Windows, where this setting would be the default? I imagine any Chinese
> programmer wouldn't use PythonWin since it doesn't support Unicode to
> begin with, although that may change for the eventual 3.0 release.
> Anybody willing to try to reproduce this scenario before I file a bug?
> -Mark
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