[python-win32] ReadDirectoryChangesW

Eric Blade blade.eric at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 21:39:10 CET 2009

> Eric Blade wrote:
>> I am getting significantly unreliable results using
>> ReadDirectoryChangesW, attempting to use a simplified version of the
>> codes that had been presented to me in my last query for help..
> Eric, can you say what results you *are* getting and in what
> way they're unreliable? I don't claim to have tested my own
> version of this exhaustively, but it seems to work in simple
> terms.
> (Sorry, your code was just so messed up between your email
> client and mine that I couldn't face putting it back together)

In what way was it messed up? *strange*

Here's the relevant bits, again:


Sometimes I'm getting results as they happen, other times, I don't get
a change notification until many minutes after it happens, sometimes,
i never get it at all.

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