[python-win32] ISAPI and threading

Preston Landers planders at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 23:31:36 CET 2009

On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Mark Hammond <mhammond at skippinet.com.au> wrote:
> On 8/12/2009 9:45 AM, Preston Landers wrote:
>> Someone had mentioned needing to restrict the worker pool to a single
>> thread but indicated they didn't know how to do that.  I searched
>> around MSDN and couldn't find anything relevant.  I also checked the
>> PyWin32 ISAPI code and didn't see anything that appeared to start a
>> new thread.  Does anyone know how to force single threading in this
>> scenario?
> Finding out where the thread was created should be your first goal.  You are
> correct that pywin32's ISAPI support doesn't create threads except when
> establishing that thread-pool - which only happens when you explicitly
> sub-class that threaded implementation.

As far as I can tell the threads are created directly by the ISAPI
framework without reference to any Python/ISAPI code.  They just make
a new C thread then call the extension function without further ado.

I tried to dig into it a little deeper by compiling a debug version of
Python/PyWin32 (x64) but ran into some problems.   Everything worked
great with my debug build from the command line, including PyWin32
stuff and installing the ISAPI vdir.  But when it came to actually
running the code through IIS I got mysterious 500 server errors.  They
appeared very similar to the errors I got when I tried to use a 32 bit
version of Python/ISAPI with 64 bit IIS despite setting the 32 bit app
pool flag.  (By the way, it might be good to note somewhere in the
docs that you can't do that, if it doesn't already.)

 I think it's a generic "DLL could not load" type error but even with
the IIS error tracing feature it wasn't very clear.  I thought that
maybe you also need a debug build of Windows/IIS itself for that to
work, but that doesn't sound right.  It's possible that since I'm
running that debug build right out of the source dir I failed to
register it properly or something.

Anyway, even if I could identify where the thread was getting created
and insert some code there I'm not even sure what it would do.  I
think forcing each thread to have a different Python interpreter might
help.  Some other Python web server packages like mod_python seems to
do this.   But for now I've opted for a simple lock in my WSGI handler
function to bypass the whole issue.

But I'm a little curious about the purpose of having a WSGI thread
pool implementation in light of those facts.  If ISAPI will create
threads for you anyway, how does a pool help?  Is it purely to avoid
thread startup overhead?  If a thread is being created anyway, you're
just adding it to a queue to be handled by a separate thread from the
pool.  Seems like more overhead, not less.   But I'm probably missing
something there.  Nor have I done a hands on performance test.

> The other option is just to use a lock - create a global lock object and
> have every request acquire it and release it when done.  You should then
> find only 1 thread is ever actually running in your code while the rest are
> blocked waiting for the lock.  As noted above though, this may severely
> impact performance...

Yeah I went ahead and used a lock and it does fully resolve the issue.
 I'm hoping to avoid or at least mitigate any performance impact by
having multiple worker processes configured automatically.  IIS does
seem to distribute the load pretty evenly in most cases.

It will be a while before I have time to run some serious performance
/ stress tests, but when I do I will be testing a number of different
scenarios.  Even with the lock, so far performance seems far better
than the prior solution we have, which is a byzantine combination of
"Classic ASP" Python calling out to external app servers over a
proprietary FastCGI-like socket protocol.

Anyway, thanks for your input on this issue and all of your other
excellent work.  It's much appreciated.


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