[python-win32] Starting a New excel.exe Process as Opposed to Recycling an Existing Excel

Bilokon, Paul paul.bilokon at citi.com
Tue Aug 18 15:29:20 CEST 2009

Hi all,

I notice that

excel = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
does not necessarily create a new excel.exe process. If excel.exe is already running, then it will be recycled and a new process will not be created.

However, I would like to have some control over this and tell it to create a new process -- simply for the sake of having a cleaner environment.

Is this at all possible?

Many thanks,

Paul Bilokon, Vice President
Citigroup | FX - Options Trading | Quants
33 Canada Square | Canary Wharf | Floor 3
London, E14 5LB
Phone: +44 20 798-62191
paul.bilokon at citi.com<mailto:paul.bilokon at citi.com>

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