[python-win32] COM and retrieving records/structures

Simon Carter bbbscarter at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 12:54:17 CEST 2009

>> RecordMap = {
>>       u'XBOX_AUTOMATION_GAMEPAD': '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-
>> 000000000000}',
>> }
> I suspect the fact these objects are using a NULL IID is the cause of this
> problem.  Does the COM browser also reflect this IID?  Are you in contact
> with the author of the object such that you can ask why that is the case?
> Cheers,

Hmm, I can't get any information out of any record types in the
pythonwin COM browser, for any library I've tried. All the other types
can be explored, but not records. For example, the "Visual Studio 8.0
Deployment Plugins Type Library" has entries like 'tagARRAYDESC -
Record' which don't do anything when clicked on. Should I be getting
the IID some other way?

If I generate an interface file for such a library, there's a one line
entry for the RecordMap which has a null IID, in the same way as the
library I'm having problems with.

I don't know if it's related, but every library that *has* these
records has a load of entries "The type info can not be loaded" at the
top. Most libraries that don't have these records don't have these

On a whim I've just tried this on 32 bit vista and on XP, with the same results.



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