[python-win32] Might be a easy problem.

Fleu Risseur fleurisseur at gmail.com
Sun Apr 5 16:54:12 CEST 2009

Thank you for your anwser
May I say that this answer  "gives no solution" and mocks the author, a
developper with some 35 years of experience ?

With APTANA I have built some some hundreds of internet sites, and I may
perfectly be ignorant in a lot of things.
When one of my students (I am in international professor, teaching complex
things, in 12 countries and in 7 languages) says "I do this, it does not
work " I dont smile saying  "read the documentation", even if his
error/stupidity is for me evident.

Humbly I "say do this, do that".

So, again the question, expecting some usefull answer

In APTANA, despite all efforts, all installations, all PYTHON scripts
correctly written,  all docs I could read, this very simple instruction does
not work :

import win32
(and of course all instructions like : from win32 import xxx)

Could you please be so kind to give me some indications ?

TARGET of the project : import/export EXCEL datasheets, and build ExtJS
scripts in several languages.
Only PYTHON seems to achieve it better/faster than PHP, BUT import win32  is
PYTHON used is V3

Thank you in advance for a usefull answer

2009/4/5 Vernon Cole <vernondcole at gmail.com>

> Dear dynamicbit:
> Your example contains numerous errors in tabs and spelling, and shows a
> total lack of understanding of Python.
> Try reading the tutorial http://docs.python.org/3.0/tutorial/ and working
> simple examples to learn the basics.
> Python is a great language, and you would be much better off to actually
> learn it rather than have someone else do your homework assignments.
> --
> VC

I love love
I love life
Live is hard, but life is beautifull
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