[python-win32] force outlook ui update

Christian K. ckkart at hoc.net
Sat Oct 25 22:02:02 CEST 2008


I apologize for asking a not specifically python related question but I 
have no idea where to ask (pointers welcome, too).

I noticed that after having written e.g. to the PR_SUBJECT of a mapi 
IMessage, e.g.:

msg = self.msgstore._OpenEntry(self.id, None, mapi.MAPI_BEST_ACCESS)
msg.SetProps([(PR_SUBJECT, self._subject)])

the subject field in the inbox list changes immedately but the subject 
line of the message itself (either shown in the embedded panel or in its 
own frame) does not. After a couple of other actions, i.e. selecting and 
deslecting other items the message subject will be updated in every place.

Is there a way to force an UI update?

Regards, Christian

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