[python-win32] Please help, run into a COM object issue using the windows media SDK, thanks!

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Fri Oct 10 05:37:53 CEST 2008

> Has anybody run into similiar problems before? Working with a COM
> object that only works properly within PythonWin? Any way to run the
> script from the command line or any other method without relying on the
> PythonWin GUI while having the same effect as running it within
> PythonWin?

This will happen for true "ActiveX Controls", which is what you are using.
wxPython can also host these objects, but a command-line Python can't
without lots of plumbing to implement all the interfaces such a control
needs...  For more examples, see the Pythonwin pywin\Demos\ocx directory.



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