[python-win32] win32console attach problems

Stian stian.prg at gmail.com
Mon Oct 6 21:13:36 CEST 2008

> On Windows, by default, scripts with a .py extension are run by
> Python.exe, which is a console application.  If you can write to stdout
> and see the results in a console window, then you have a console.
> Scripts with a .pyw extension are run by Pythonw.exe, which is a Windows
> application.  Those scripts do not have a console.  If your installer is
> embedding pythonw.exe as the executioner, then that's probably what
> you're using.

Thanks for enlightening me :)

>> Does this make it any clearer what may be wrong?
> No.  ;)  I don't see anything immediately obvious.  If it were me, I'd
> write a tiny C application to try the exact same APIs to kill your
> console app, just to make sure that the sequence does work as expected.
> Print out the "pid", then pass that to the C app by hand.  Remember to
> make it a Windows app (WinMain instead of main) so that you don't get
> your own console.

First; my wxPython GUI application is basically used to configure and
start/stop the console application. Here is what I did now:

I start the GUI application and do a too quick stop - making the
win32console come into this concurring failing state. Then I start another
instance of the same GUI app. This detects the running console application,
and I hit the "stop"-button in this new instance. It then attaches to the
console and terminates it without problems.

If I now start the console application again I am able to stop it without
problems from the new instance of the GUI, but with the old instance I still
get the same error each time...

So, basically the win32console gets into a failing state when it gets the
"Handler is invalid." exception, and it doesn't get out of this state even
if I call FreeConsole(). So the question is how to clean up this mess. Is
there another function I can call? Can I reinitialize the win32console
somehow? Create a new instance or get a clean start in some other way..? I
feel like this was a silly question, but I'm in the blue here...

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