[python-win32] Excel - accessing a control's properties in an event

Roger Upole rwupole at msn.com
Mon May 12 14:03:01 CEST 2008

Sriram Sundararajan wrote:
>I have a question on the excelAddin.py sample in the win32com\demos folder.
> We create a Tool Bar, add a button to it,
> btnMyButton = cbcMyBar.Controls.Add(Type=constants.msoControlButton,
> Parameter="Greetings")
> 'register' the button with the ButtonEvent class,
> btnMyButton=self.toolbarButton = DispatchWithEvents(btnMyButton,
> ButtonEvent)
> and set a couple of properties.
> btnMyButton.Caption = "&Python"
> btnMyButton.TooltipText = "Python rules the World"
> In the OnClick event handler of the ButtonEvent class,
> class ButtonEvent:
>    def OnClick(self, button, cancel):
> 1. How is the 'button' argument related to the actual button that was
> clicked? It showed up as a PyIDispatch object when I tried printing
> it.
> 2. Assuming there is more than one button that can  be clicked, how
> would I access some of the properties of the button instance that was
> actually clicked by the user?
> Thanks
> Sriram

You can use win32com.client.Dispatch(button) to get a wrapped
object that exposes all the properties of the button.
This will allow you to access the Caption, TooltipText, or any
other property you need to identify the button.


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