[python-win32] Skip Alt+F4

le dahut le.dahut at laposte.net
Mon Mar 17 14:11:14 CET 2008

Oh yes ! That's it. Thank you.

It is a frame that's used by a service to display some information 
before uncancelable forced reboot.

I now have to determinate how to modify the informations displayed in 
the frame.

Should my program run in the class of the frame ? Or should it get a 
sort of handler to the frame and modify the content of a text box ?
I don't know if the second way is possible.

Paul Moore a écrit :
> On 17/03/2008, le dahut <le.dahut at laposte.net> wrote:
>> I'm writting a Wx app and I want to skip Alt+F4. I've used somehting
>> like that :
>>     def OnKeyDown(self, event):
>>         print event.AltDown(), event.GetKeyCode()
>>         if event.AltDown() and event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_F4:
>>             print 'try to close'
>> Everything gets printed but my app closes anyway on Alt+F4, is there a
>> way to skip this ?
> (a) you should think hard before doing this - about the only
> reasonable reason for overriding the standard Alt-F4 on Windows, is to
> minimise to the tray rather than closing
> (b) if you still want to do this, look at the OnClose event, and override that.
> Paul.

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