[python-win32] Iron Python and Visual Basic 2005 (or 2008) Express

Dick Moores rdm at rcblue.com
Wed Mar 5 00:34:08 CET 2008

At 02:37 PM 3/4/2008, Stef Mientki wrote:
>Dick Moores wrote:
> > Years ago I learned a bit of Visual Basic (VB6,
> > IIRC) at a community college. About a year ago I
> > downloaded the free Visual Basic 2005 Express
> > (<http://www.microsoft.com/express/vb/Default.aspx>),
> > but didn't do much with it.
> >
> > But I was wondering if it was possible to write
> > Python code in Iron Python and use it somehow in
> > Visual Basic 2005 (or 2008) Express. VB seemed a very easy
> > way to create a GUI, but of course I prefer Python for the code.
> >
> > So, possible/impossible/impractical/foolish/Pythonically_traitorous?
> >
> >
>I don't know what Iron Python is,
>but I'm using embedded Python in Delphi (which is quit comparable to
>VB)  for about a year now,
>and it's indeed a fabulous great combination:
>- the GUI power of Delphi
>- the scripting and numerical power of Python / SciPy
>I would say much more powerful than MatLab,
>and even be more powerful than LabView.

I just Googled "Delphi". Is your Delphi listed on this page?: 
<http://www.codegear.com/products/delphi> And does it come with 
Python embedded or do you have to do the embedding? I have a feeling 
that's a stupid question, but I'm fearless. :-)


Dick Moores 

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