[python-win32] P3K?

Vernon Cole vernondcole at gmail.com
Fri Jun 20 17:38:43 CEST 2008

>  older releases of pywin are kept on sourceforge for ...
> ...(older) users of older python version.
> or:  "(older) users of older python version will use older releases of
> pywin"
> @-salutations
> --
> Michel Claveau
> * OLDER * !
For the information of you children, I learned to program in FORTRAN II. My
first hands-on computer was a PDP-8 with 4096 12-bit words of core memory.
It took 15 minutes to boot EDUBASIC into that 4K, since it carried only a
110 baud punched paper tape reader (on a real Teletype brand TTY) for
storage media. If you ever wondered why BASIC was such a stupid language
look what it ran on. Still, it was wonderful to have 5 1/2 digits of
floating point in those days before the scientific pocket calculator was
invented. A great deal of homework was done with interactive mode console
operation, using something like:
LET R = 1.234E-5
PRINT 3.14159 * R * R
(Thanks, Guido, for putting that handy capability into python. I've missed
it over the years.)

But I digress...
Just know that it was a _really_ancient_ geek who said "onward."
Vernon Cole (older), and proud of it.
<shaking head to clear the cobwebs>

Okay, I'm done now. Pretend I never said any of that.
Back to work.
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