[python-win32] P3K?

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Fri Jun 20 01:07:08 CEST 2008

> P3K (aka Python-3000, or Python 3) release 3.0b1 is coming.
> Is Pywin32 on P3K planned for soon?

AFAIK, Roger has looked into this a little, and some of his efforts towards
making the win32 modules natively Unicode are an effort towards this - but
I'm not aware of any serious work on this as yet.

There will obviously be 2 sides to this - the .py code and the .cpp code -
running the .py code through 2to3 might be an interesting exercise, and
expose 10 year old code screaming for a cleanup which can be done
independently.  This might mean we might need to get a little more brutal
about which Python versions we support moving forward - eg, is 2.3 and
earlier support still necessary if it costs pain for this transition?  But
in case you can't tell, I personally haven't looked at this at all ;)



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