[python-win32] Is this user a member of a given Active Directory group?

Vernon Cole vernondcole at gmail.com
Thu Jul 31 20:22:38 CEST 2008

Dear group:
My company makes use of Active Directory to determine what rights a given
user has in an application system. If the user is a member of a certain
group, then (s)he has the right to perform some set of functions. For
example, if VCOLE is a member of WCPO-CREATE then I can create new purchase

The method I am using to determine a user's group membership consists of
looking at all the members of each target group, and finding whether my user
is on that list.
Something like the following code snippet:
v v v v v v
glist = ['A','List',"of","possible",'group','names']
_username = win32api.GetUserName().upper()
_LoginServer = win32net.NetGetAnyDCName()

if True: # begin snippet
    groups = set()
    for g in glist:
        resume = 0
        while True:
                entries, total, resume = \
                         _LoginServer,g, 0, resume)
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                print 'Group Name "%s" could not be found' % g
            for de in entries:
                name = de['name'].upper()
                if name == _username:
            if resume == 0:
# end snippet
if 'possible' in groups:
   print 'You can do it.'
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
My question is this:
  There MUST be some better way. Is there no system call for "Is user U a
member of group G"?
Vernon Cole
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