[python-win32] Python COM

birdprince birdprince at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 10:32:19 CEST 2008

I have implemented a COM in C++,buy i don't know how to use this COM 
in python. 
For example: the COM's ProgID is "MyCOM1.AdvMethod".this COM have two 
interfaces,the default interface's name is IAdvMethod,the second 
interface's name is IBasicMethod.
I use this method to call the IAdvMethod's method,because IAdvMethod is the 
default interface
code example:
import win32com.client 
moncom = win32com.client.Dispatch('MyCOM1.AdvMethod') 

who can tell me how to call the IBasicMethod's method?Thank you very much! 

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