[python-win32] from excel to word

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Fri Jul 25 17:26:54 CEST 2008

Emanuel Sotelo wrote:
> #word part
> wordapp = Dispatch("Word.Application")
> wordapp.Visible = 1
> worddoc = wordapp.Documents.Add()
> rango = worddoc.Range(0,0)
> rango.InsertBefore('hi we are goin to bring the data from excel and have 
> it print in word')
> worddoc.SaveAs(MYDIR+ '\\wordexcel.doc')
> rango.InsertAfter(xl.Cells(3,6))
> #print part
> dc= win32ui.CreateDC()
> dc.CreatePrinterDC()
> # i dont now what else is supposed to go in this part to send it to print

Well, you don't need to mess with Device Contexts
in order to print from Word. As with most "How
do I do this in MS Office?" questions, the answer
is: record a macro which does what you want, and
then look at the resulting VBA code and reproduce
it in Python -- which is usually trivial.


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