[python-win32] killing overlay extensions

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue Jul 8 09:08:07 CEST 2008

> I am trying to provide a way for user to [totally] disable the overlay
> extension, and enable them later if they want, without having to go
> through the pain to remove the shell extension from windows registry.

Why is removal from the registry a pain?

> > If you want something specific to your app, then your shell extension
> code
> > could check some kind of flag/event/whatever and then refuse to do
> anything
> > - but that isn't "killing" it.
> I am doing that already, but unfortunately that's still slow Explorer
> noticeably.

That is strange - do you think that is simply the overhead of calling Python functions?

[apols to the list for the following, which is really getting off topic for python-win32]

> > BTW, have you been tracking the shell extension code for bzr?  It
> shouldn't
> > be that far from being VCS agnostic and a first cut has been released
> and
> > pushed (I'm assuming you are still playing with shell extensions for
> > mercurial :)
> I am afraid I haven't. When can I find the new shell extension code
> for bzr?

It is a launchpad branch at https://code.launchpad.net/~tortoisebzr-developers/tortoisebzr/tbzr2-proto - note it is still very early though.

> BTW, is it written in VC?

Not yet, but all VCS work is done by the remote process.  In other words, we are very close to being able to throw away the .py version of the shell itself and replace it with a dumb VC version.  However, it is likely we will not attempt to do that until a little later - once we have more functionality in place - so that we have a complete picture of what the C++ code must do...



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