[python-win32] Reading .py or .pyc from an excel sheet

Graeme Glass graemeglass at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 11:01:59 CET 2008

On Jan 31, 2008 11:43 AM, Pallavi Apotikar <pallavi.apotikar at tcs.com> wrote:

> Hello Sir/Madam,
> I would like to know, is it possible to read a python file from an excel
> sheet ?
> Thanks and Regards
> Pallavi Ajabrao Apotikar

I don't fully understand what you are asking,


If you where however asking, if it is possible to display the contents of a
python script in an excel sheet, yes it's possible (it's just text), why you
would want to? a .pyc file would be pretty meaningless to you as it is a
'compiled' python script, and is 'bytecode'.

If you where asking if you could control excel via a python script, which I
think is the most plausible, the answer is a resounding yes!

There are countless examples on this mailing list of such tasks.

Google for 'python +excel', will bring up loads of examples.


import win32com.client
xl = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
xl.Visible = 1

I hope one of these answers will help with what you where asking.

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