[python-win32] "Property '%s.%s' can not be set" on read/write attribute

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Wed Jan 30 02:18:34 CET 2008

Tim Johnson wrote:
> Thanks, I always forget about makepy (what a terrible name).

Ah, tool names.  Makepy is at least descriptive.  My vote for worst tool 
names has to be the WiX project, Windows Installer XML, which lets you 
build Windows installer packages with a text editor and a command-line 
interface as God intended, instead of through an opaque GUI interface.  
Noticing that "WiX" rhymes with "wicks", their tools are called 
candle.exe, tallow.exe, lit.exe, light.exe, and dark.exe.

The problem is that, although cute, those names give no clue as to what 
the tools do.  "Candle" is basically the compiler and "light" is the 
linker, but I have to go to the documentation every time I need to use one.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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