[python-win32] pywin32 installer problems with Python 2.6

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Fri Feb 29 00:54:11 CET 2008

> I am using Visual C++ 9.0 to build pywin32, and Dependency Walker shows
> that the pyhon.exe from the 2.6 snapshot is linked against the Visual
> C++ 9.0 runtime.

Ahh - sorry, I missed that you are building pywin32 yourself.

> The installer that you provided crashes for me in the same way.
> Perhaps it's a bug in Python or something wrong with my machine? Other
> installers that I have made today for Python 2.6 have succeeded. Very
> curious.

Yes, strange.  The creation of the .pyc files is done by the installer exe
and it will be *that* runtime which is of interest - but depends shows the
installer exe links against msvcr90.dll which is what we want.  I'm
surprised a version you build yourself does that though, as I don't believe
the skeleton executable has been updated in the python core yet.  That
installer binary works for me (at least, it doesn't crash - but it does give
a useless error message at the end ("*** run_installscript: internal error
0xFFFFFFFF ***").  *sob*

IIRC, building python and pywin32 from source - even the release versions -
should give .pdb files which are useful for debugging.  Have you tried
breaking into the process using the debugger?


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