[python-win32] Is Mark Hammond going to produce a new Python Programming on Win32 book?

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Wed Feb 27 23:49:30 CET 2008

Michael Foord wrote:
> Tim Roberts wrote: 
>> Well, there's an interesting issue here.  Much of the new stuff you 
>> have mentioned has nothing to do with the Python that we know and 
>> love.  .NET and winforms (which is part of .NET) requires managed 
>> code, and that means IronPython.  IronPython is NOT the same as 
>> Python; although the language is the same, the library and the 
>> idiomatic usage are so very different that it's difficult for one 
>> person to be competent in both.
> Hmmm... that hasn't been my experience. Programming IronPython with 
> idiomatic Python works very well.

Perhaps the issue is more than I'm not comfortable with idiomatic .NET.  
I did take a semi-serious stab at working with WPF in IronPython, but it 
just wasn't comfortable.

I am very pleased to see that an IronPython book is in the works.  
Because I think WPF is one of the most exciting things to come out of 
Microsoft in a very long time, I will be among the first in line.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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