[python-win32] Print PDF

Gerdus van Zyl gerdusvanzyl at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 16:19:14 CET 2008

Thanks the SumatraPDF link is very useful. The following code is what
I came up with and is based on this msg:

import win32ui
import dde
from win32api import FindExecutable
import os.path
from os import spawnl,P_NOWAIT,startfile
import time

pd = "C:/uxpython/fun/godsdebris.pdf"
pdbits = os.path.split(pd)
readerexe = FindExecutable(pdbits[1],pdbits[0])



s = dde.CreateServer()

c = dde.CreateConversation(s)

c.ConnectTo('acroview', 'control')

# driverName is optional (I think)
#c.Exec('[FilePrintTo("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")]' % (filename, printerName,
#driverName, portName))

c.Exec('[DocOpen("%s")]' % (pd,))
#c.Exec('[FilePrint("%s")]' % (pd,))
#c.Exec('[FilePrintSilent("%s")]' % (pd,))


With the above you can open,print,print silent a PDF. I leave it as an
exercise to the reader to make the reader window hidden instead if so

~Gerdus van zyl

On Feb 3, 2008 1:29 AM, Michel Claveau <mc at mclaveau.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> Perso, I use Adobe-Reader AND SumatraPDF.
> And, SumatraPDF has command-line options for print directly a file.
> See : http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/manual.html
> In Python, you can use system, popen, subprocess, etc.
> @-salutation
> Michel Claveau
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