[python-win32] os.startwith issue dealing with .tif (winxp)

geoff imageguy1206 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 04:11:27 CEST 2008

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 4:53 PM, Tim Roberts <timr at probo.com> wrote:
> geoff wrote:
>> Hi Folks;
>> I have an application that stores images in a database.
>> When the images are extracted, we use the files extension and
>> os.startwith("filename") to allows the OS to select the users
>> desingated program to open the file.
>> Sometimes ... this goes astray.  For some mysterious reason, WinXP's
>> file type associates get removed, atleast for TIF files.
> TIFF files are not normally associated with a program on Windows XP.
>> what I would like to do is that if os.startwith fails, try to open the
>> file with a specific program.  In the case of image files, the Ms
>> Picture and Fax Viewer.
>> How do I find the default path to an installed program ?
>> Do I need the GUID and then look for the registry key ??
> No, that doesn't work for applications, only for COM objects.
> However, in this specific case, you are in luck.  The "Microsoft Picture
> and FAX Viewer" happens to live inside of a system DLL, and that DLL
> always lives in the Windows "system32" directory.  So, you can do this:
>    rundll32.exe shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen path\to\image\file.tiff
> Whitespace is important; don't put any before or after that "comma".
Thanks for that tip Tim.
Can you point me in the right direction as to how to associate the MS
Picture and FAX Viewer" as the associated program for TIFs ?


BTW: it is os.startfile("path to file name") NOT os.startwith  -- the
mistake was mine, but thanks for understanding the meaning.

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