[python-win32] adodbapi version 2.2 ready and in cvs.

Vernon Cole vernondcole at gmail.com
Fri Aug 29 17:40:09 CEST 2008

Dear Pythonoholics:
  I have just released adodbapi version 2.2. This version adds support for
Iron Python, which is not important to this group, but it did make me clean
up the code. All classes are now new-style classes, and string exceptions
are gone. I found out why .rowcount was so useless (you have to look in two
places, and I was ignoring the more important one) so it works much better
  I have added a .cvtString method so it is now easy to get the package to
deliver your numeric fields as strings (if you prefer) rather than the
default decimal.Decimal. The unit test (used as a code sample) for
user-defined type convertion was wrong. It happened to test correctly in
CPython, but broke in Iron, so I finally figured out how it was supposed to
work. (You pass it the type_code as found in .description[i][1], and the
convertion function.)  The test/sample is now correct.
  There are two user-submitted bug fixes (as in version 2.1.2) so multiple
result sets from cursor.nextset() work even when some are empty.
For those who have no idea what I am talking about...
  adodbapi is a fully dbapi 2.0 compliant package for accessing SQL data,
written in pure python.
  It runs in either C python or Iron Python (Windows only - it depends on
  All data is read and/or written using appropriate native python data types
such as datetime.datetime (for dates) and decimal.Decimal (for currency and
  You may change the type conversions if you wish.
  Everything works -- commit/rollback, stored procedures, multiple dataset
return, etc, etc.
  Tested with Jet (MS Access), MS SQL server, and mySQL engines. Probably
works with any other suitable ADO DB source.
If you don't use cvs, you can also get the new version at
http://sourceforge.net/projects/adodbapi . Put the unzipped folder in your
/lib/site-packages directory.
Vernon Cole
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