[python-win32] interprocess communication python and visual basic can it be done?

Vernon Cole vernondcole at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 19:07:56 CEST 2008

Best answer: Find a copy of  *Python Programming On Win32*  by Mark Hammond
and Andy Robinson and read chapter 7. Unfortunately, copies of the book are
getting quite hard to get.

  New edition???

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 10:26 AM, Emanuel Sotelo <ing_emanuels at hotmail.com>
> hello.
> well i have a question i dont now if it it's possible to make a
> interprocess communication between python and visual basic.
> someone tell that it can be done but i havent fond nothing about this
> if it is possible can some one give me some guide points of where to
> look or what to investigate because i just began lerning python and i have
> to do a proyect a bout this but i will like to get some info of how before
> start develop the programan
> I would appreciate any help that anyone can provide
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