[python-win32] GetModuleFileName requires Process or Thread handle?

Walter Decker wcdsoft at live.com
Tue Aug 12 17:11:44 CEST 2008

Can someone help me diagnose why the following fails to retrieve the 'exe' name KillByName?
Some code copied from unnamed webpage:
import sysimport osimport timeimport win32apiimport win32process
def StartAProcess(RunCmd):  StartupInfo = win32process.STARTUPINFO()  np = win32process.CreateProcess(    None,     # program    RunCmd, # command line    None,     # process security attributes    None,     # thread attributes    1,          # inherit handles
    0,          # Don't need anything here.    None,     # new environment    None,     # new directory    StartupInfo)  print "StartAProcess np: " + str(np)
def KillByName(matchstring):  processList = win32process.EnumProcesses()  print "KillByName processList: " + str(processList)  msLower = matchstring.lower()  print "KillByName msLower: " + msLower  for pid in processList:    try:      print "KillByName pid: " + str(pid)      handle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, pid)      print "KillByName handle: " + str(handle)      exe = win32api.GetModuleFileName(handle)      print "KillByName exe: " + exe      print "KillByName oneProcess: handle " + str(handle) + " pid " + str(pid) + " exe " + exe      if exe.lower() == mslower:        print "KillByName found pid: " + str(pid)        #win32api.TerminateProcess(handle,0)        #win32api.CloseHandle(handle)    except:      pass   
if __name__ == "__main__":    if 2 == len(sys.argv):      StartAProcess(sys.argv[1])      time.sleep(10.0)      KillByName(sys.argv[1])
Is a handle a handle a handle? The win32api.CreateProcess that started the process returns two (2) handles (hProcess and hThread) and the OpenProcess
call above returns the second of those two handles (the hThread). Is it that I need the 'other' handle as in:
"The result is a tuple of (hProcess, hThread, dwProcessId, dwThreadId)"
to send to win32api.GetModuleFileName(handle)?
The 'try' 'except' catches on the win32api.GetModuleFileName.
Regards, Walter.
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