[python-win32] Writing .NET component in Python

Larry Bates larry.bates at websafe.com
Thu Sep 6 18:59:28 CEST 2007

Sidnei da Silva wrote:
> [ Thomas Heller ]
>> Not sure what you mean by .NET port.  I have the impression (from reading, 
>> never
>> used .NET myself) that .NET is able to use COM objects.  It may be 
>> required that
>> the COM objects must have a type library.
> That's my understanding too. If you search for articles on .NET and COM 
> Interop pretty much all of them talk about using type libraries.
> Soo... the question is, how to create a type library for Python COM objects?
I'm new to .NET so when .NET developers ask me "When are you going to deliver 
.NET port of your API" I sort of shrug and say "We are looking into it".  I sort 
of intuitively knew that you should be able to call COM objects, it is just M$ 
developers seem to want people to do custom implementations for them.

Now how to get TLB for my COM object?  I guess that is the question.


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