[python-win32] interacting with Windows Media Player

Niki Spahiev niki at vintech.bg
Fri May 18 19:14:33 CEST 2007

E R wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to write a simple video bookmarking tool with python. It
> would allow you to keep track of and annotate locations in video files
> so you can quickly find and jump to them.
> To do this I just need to solve two technical problems. The first is
> to instantiate a visible instance of Windows Media Player. The code
> listed in this posting works:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-win32/2005-August/003626.html
> but WMP doesn't show a user interface. I think I need to put the WMP
> COM object into a GUI object, but I'm very new to Win32 programming,
> so any help would be greatly appreciated!
> The second technical problem is to be able to ask WMP where in the
> video stream it currently is. And then I need to be able to tell WMP
> to start playing a file from a certain offset. Does anyone know how to
> do this?
> Also, I don't have to use WMP if this can be done easier with another
> media player. All I need to play are MPEG2 video files.

IIRC there is wxPython based project with same goals. And IIRC its open 

Niki Spahiev

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