[python-win32] HookMessage fails

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Wed May 16 01:21:21 CEST 2007

> > I don't see the parent being passed into the dialogs in pywin32's
> > sample code. Is this going to be a problem?
> Well, in looking at the code, I don't even see a way to
> specify one, so
> this seems to have been a rat hole.
> I'm mildly surprised by that.  The CreateDialog APIs all take
> a "parent"
> window, and the parentage plays a part in determining window stacking
> and taskbar presence.  I wonder what the win32ui code uses for that...

This is the magic of MFC - if no parent is specified, the "main window" for
the application is automatically used.


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