[python-win32] eggs and pythonservices

jose at cybergalvez.com jose at cybergalvez.com
Mon Mar 12 23:08:16 CET 2007

can sites be manipulated within a service? I tried to use
site.addsitedir to add the correct eggs to my project but that failed

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [python-win32] eggs and pythonservices
> From: "Norm Petterson" <njp at njp.us>
> Date: Mon, March 12, 2007 2:31 pm
> To: "jose at cybergalvez.com" <jose at cybergalvez.com>
> Cc: python-win32 at python.org
> On 3/12/07, jose at cybergalvez.com <jose at cybergalvez.com> wrote: Dear win32 experts
> I am trying to write a win32 service for a paste/pylons application 
> which works well from the command line, however if I try to make it
> into a service the application can no longer find "eggs" that it needs.
>  I'm including the command line program (which works) and the winservice 
> (which noes not work) hopping that someone can point me the right
> direction.  One that that I'm doing to complicate things is the eggs it
> needs to find are not installed in the usual place, which for the
>  command line program simply means manipulating sys.path, however doing
> the same thing for the windows service does not have the same result.
> Any and all help is appreciated
> I usually put something like: 
> os.chdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
> in the initialization of my service and reference other files (like config files and log files) by relative directory locations:
> opts = LoadConfig('../conf/server.cfg')       # Fetch server options 
> This works on any platform I use (win32 service or linux daemon).
> HTH,
> Norm
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