[python-win32] COM: change in Python object does not get registered

Beat Niederhauser beat.niederhauser at gmx.ch
Sun Mar 4 23:59:13 CET 2007

Mark Hammond escreveu:

> You need to either restart excel, or arrange for your module to be
> 'reload'ed.  One way would be to add a 'reload' method to your object.  For
> example, the .py code might have:
>   def reload(self):
>     import mymod
>     reload(mymod)
> And your VB code could then look like:
>   ob.reload() ; reload the module using the 'old' object
>   set ob = CreateObject("Your.ProgID") ; re-create ob with the new code
> and from then on, 'ob' should have any changes you have made.
> Mark

Thanks. Everything works fine now.


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