[python-win32] Have IHTMLWindow2 objectneed correspondingIHTMLWindow3 object and flash box

Richard Bell rbell01824 at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 31 14:50:41 CEST 2007


Did you really mean:

   brush = win32ui.CreateBrush(1, 0, 0)  # create a brush (hollow, no color)

since the win32gui brush will not select into the device context?

Which brings me to the real question:

What's the difference between win32ui and win32gui anyway and what's the
best online reference for them?


BTW,  here's the code as it now stands.

--- code ---

def flash( left, top, width, height ):
    """ put a flashing box at cordinates """
    gui_dc = win32gui.GetDC(0)                  # int handle of DC for
    pycdc = win32ui.CreateDCFromHandle(gui_dc)  # PyCDC object
    pycdc.SetROP2(7)                            # R2_XOR
    brush = win32ui.CreateBrush(1, 0, 0)        # create a brush (hollow, no
    pycdc.SelectObject(brush)                   # put it in the dc
    pen = win32ui.CreatePen(0, 3, 0x00ff00)     # create a pen (solid, 3
pels wide, color)
                                                # colorref is 0x00bbggrr
    pycdc.SelectObject(pen)                     # put it in the dc
    adj = 0                                     # or 4
    cord = (left, top,
            left+width+adj, top + height+adj)   # +1 for the way windows
draws rect
                                                # +3 for pen width
    for i in range(0,5):                        # 5 flashes
        pycdc.Rectangle(cord)                   # make a solid rectangle
        time.sleep(.250)                        # hang out
        pycdc.Rectangle(cord)                   # put the screen back
        time.sleep(.250)                        # hang out
    win32gui.ReleaseDC(gui_dc,0)                # is this all I have to

--- end code ---
|Thanks again Tim, I'll make the change.

||Tim Roberts wrote:
||> ...
||> If you use the hollow brush, as I suggested, then the driver won't even
||> be ASKED to fill the interior.
||>    brush = win32ui.GetStockObject( 5 )    # HOLLOW_BRUSH
||D'oh, did I really say win32ui?  That's wrong.
||    brush = win32gui.GetStockObject( 5 )    # HOLLOW_BRUSH
||Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
||Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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