[python-win32] py2exe all of it

Bobby Metz bwmetz at gmail.com
Wed Feb 21 08:24:07 CET 2007

Been there.  Done that.  Same reasons.  User's need a custom app but don't
have install permissions due to IT policy.  Just build your py2exe project
and pass it around.  If you're careful  you can even cut out a bunch of the
fluff, e.g. sample files for Tkinter, that py2exe might include.  I found
the best distribution was to zip up the build result, then create a
self-extracting .exe that auto-extracts to the desired directory common to
all user's PCs.  Once they learn where to run it or if you provide them a
handydesktop shortcut in the package, upgrades are a snap.

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