[python-win32] py2exe all of it

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Feb 13 22:56:13 CET 2007

En Tue, 13 Feb 2007 16:42:56 -0300, Tim Roberts <timr at probo.com> escribió:

> So, you could just zip up your \Python24 directory from home, export a
> few keys from the registry, then unzip the zip and import the registry
> files on your machine at work.  You would have done exactly what the
> installer did, and have a fully functional Python installation.

...just to find out that you missed the python2?.dll file that gets copied  
on windows\system32

> But what is the point?  The Python installer is just an executable.  If
> you can run a py2exe executable, why can't you run the Python installer
> executable?

I don't know what's exactly the OP's problem, but in general, asking a  
user to install Python first, then wxPython, then pyOpenGL, and only then  
the desired application may be too much. py2exe is a nice way to package  
all of them.

Gabriel Genellina

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