[python-win32] Exchange event

Johann Abraham johann.abraham at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 23:19:04 CEST 2006

I wrote a small application for an exchange server to catch asynchronous
save email invents on a particular exchange inbox.  Everything was working
fine until a co-working pointed out that if two emails are sent to the inbox
very quickly in succession (ie. automated), the application doesn't process
the first email.  I know the email event is caught because the Url prints
properly, but none of the Message Object data will print out.  I've included
my OnSave function below and an example of the trace collecter output, as
you can see in the trace collecter output self.InEmail.From doesn't print
out the correct "jabraham at kelsan.com" <jabraham at kelsan.com>.  I've spent a
few days on this already so if anybody knows what I'm doing wrong, I'd
really appreciate your help.


The process is:
class AutoPilot:
    _public_methods_ = IExStoreSyncEvents_methods
    _com_interfaces_ = ['IExStoreAsyncEvents']

    _reg_clsid_      = "{D7CDBFB7-7B49-4EA4-9F8E-47152ED86991}"
    _reg_progid_     = "AutoPilot"
    _reg_desc_       = "QCM AutoPilot Response System"

        # IExStoreSyncEvents interfaces
    def OnSave(self, pEventInfo, strUrl, lFlags):
        'Called by a store when an item is saved.'

        self.ActionRequired = 'None'
        self.Confirmation = 'No'

        print strUrl
        self.InEmail = Dispatch("CDO.Message")
        print '****From'
        print self.InEmail.From
        print '******'

The trace collecter shows:

Object with win32trace dispatcher created (object=None)
in <emailFramework.AutoPilot instance at 0x00A5F0D0>._QueryInterface_ with
unsupported IID IMarshal ({00000003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046})
in <emailFramework.AutoPilot instance at 0x00A5F0D0>._QueryInterface_ with
unsupported IID {0000001B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
in <emailFramework.AutoPilot instance at 0x00A5F0D0>._QueryInterface_ with
unsupported IID IStdMarshalInfo ({00000018-0000-0000-C000-000000000046})
in <emailFramework.AutoPilot instance at 0x00A5F0D0>._QueryInterface_ with
unsupported IID IExternalConnection ({00000019-0000-0000-C000-000000000046})
in <emailFramework.AutoPilot instance at 0x00A5F0D0>._QueryInterface_ with
unsupported IID {4C1E39E1-E3E3-4296-AA86-EC938D896E92}
Object with win32trace dispatcher created (object=None)
in <emailFramework.AutoPilot instance at 0x00A5FD50>._QueryInterface_ with
unsupported IID IMarshal ({00000003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046})
in <emailFramework.AutoPilot instance at 0x00A5FD50>._QueryInterface_ with
unsupported IID {0000001B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
in <emailFramework.AutoPilot instance at 0x00A5FD50>._QueryInterface_ with
unsupported IID IStdMarshalInfo ({00000018-0000-0000-C000-000000000046})
in <emailFramework.AutoPilot instance at 0x00A5FD50>._QueryInterface_ with
unsupported IID IExternalConnection ({00000019-0000-0000-C000-000000000046})
in <emailFramework.AutoPilot instance at 0x00A5FD50>._QueryInterface_ with
unsupported IID {4C1E39E1-E3E3-4296-AA86-EC938D896E92}
in <emailFramework.AutoPilot instance at 0x00A5F0D0>._QueryInterface_ with
unsupported IID {1C733A30-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}
in <emailFramework.AutoPilot instance at 0x00A5FD50>._QueryInterface_ with
unsupported IID {1C733A30-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}

"jabraham at kelsan.com" <jabraham at kelsan.com>
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