[python-win32] py2exe and winxptheme

Andrea Gavana andrea.gavana at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 16:28:10 CET 2006

Hi all,

    I am having some troubles mixing py2exe and winxptheme. Basically,
I am using wxPython with Python 2.5, and painting some window
background using the UxTheme via winxptheme. This is what I am doing:

hwnd = MyWindow.GetHandle()
self.hTheme = winxptheme.OpenThemeData(hwnd, "Window")

winxptheme.DrawThemeBackground(self.hTheme, dc.GetHDC(), 5, 1,
                               (rc.top, rc.left, rc.right, rc.bottom), None)

This works very well using python directly, but when I generate and
executable file with py2exe, I get this error when executing that last

TypeError: an integer is required

This is because self.hTheme is *None*. It seems like OpenThemeData can
not be initialized in an executable, or at least that I am not able to
do it.
Does anyone have a possible solution to this problem? I have tried all
the possibilities with py2exe, meaning bundle=1, bundle=2, bundle=3,
compressed=1, compressed=2, every possible combination. But it doesn't
work :-(

I attach my setup file, if it can be of any help.

Thank you very much for every pointer.


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."
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