[python-win32] export registry keys

le dahut le.dahut at laposte.net
Tue Mar 14 10:58:39 CET 2006


Tim Roberts a écrit :
> On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 09:29:07 +0100, le dahut <le.dahut at laposte.net> wrote:
>> I was thinking about win32api.RegSaveKey or _winreg.SaveKey but on XP it 
>> must be preceded by a privilege modification and they don't save regular 
>> .reg files but internal reg format ...
>> My app will be py2exeded and used by hundreds of people so I can install 
>> Resource Kits or other stuff, it must be done with python and/or 
>> internal windows commands.
> If you're going to do it from Python, then you don't have to worry about
> using the standard regedit format.  There are a couple of registry class
> wrappers for Python that turn a registry key into a Python object tree. 

mmhmm very interesting, could you tell me more about those classes ?

> You could fetch the key and pprint it to a file, then eval it later to
> restore it.
>> Someone has an idea ? (otherwise I'll use "reg export" under XP and 
>> regedit /E with 98 but it seems very barbarian isn't it  ;-)  )
> Why is it barbarian?  It's called "using the tools at your disposal".

It opens a DOS prompt when the 'regedit' command is launched ... for a 
wx app it looks not clean... maybe you know a way to hide this behavior ?

> By the way, "regedit /E" works perfectly well on XP, so you could use
> the same scheme everywhere.



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