[python-win32] driving MS Access from python

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Mon Mar 13 17:45:19 CET 2006

[Phill Atwood]

| Need to programatically reproduce some activities a user does 
| in MS Access.
| Need to open a mdb file.  Run some queries.  Look at some tables.


| I having a hard time scaring up appropriate docs on 
| the MS Access win32com API for this.  I've been 
| looking for VBA style docs or anything but I'm still so
| far just sniffing the corners...

I don't use Access myself, bu do I take it you've already seen this?


My usual first port of call is to google for

site:msdn.microsoft.com <whatever> object model

Often Googling for Delphi examples works quite well as
they are in a similar position to Pythoneers (they like
their language/environment, but want to do things with
MS software) but have been around longer.


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