[python-win32] Python-win32 Digest, Vol 36, Issue 11

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Fri Mar 10 18:04:44 CET 2006

James Carroll wrote:

>>>>>APPDATA=C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data
>>>>>I'm tempted to get the APPDATA directory for the current user, and the
>>>>>username, and do a replace on the username directory, but If there's a
>>>>>more foolproof way of knowing what the APPDATA directory will be for
>>>>>that user, I'd sleep better.
>>How tricky are you willing to get?
>Thanks Tim,  That was wicked tricky.  This is valuable to know though,
>I envy your insight.
>I was giving my app's user a choice of user names just to try to
>figure out the profile directory, but for this purpose I'm changing my
>strategy to simply let them choose from a list of directories under
>Documents and Settings instead.  Fewer hoops to jump through, and
>they're very similar to the actual user names, and no ambiguity as to
>if that user exists locally _and_ as member of a domain.  (at least
>the ambiguity is pushed out to the user to ponder.)

That's not entirely reliable.  One of my partners, a man who HATES
spaces in file names, used the "tweakui" utility to rename all of the
special directories, so he doesn't even HAVE a "Documents and Settings"
folder.  His "application data" directory is something like "c:\apps\data".

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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