[python-win32] SafeTerminateProcess and request forCreateRemoteThread()

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Fri Jun 23 02:35:10 CEST 2006

> - The first is the request to include CreateRemoteThread in win32api 
> (which I will post on sourceforge)


> - Does anyone know a similarly safe way for terminating a process so 
> that a SIGINT/SIGTERM handler will still be called (without 
> the need for 
> a shared console or process group ids)?

Nope, and I've tried in the past.  If CreateRemoteThread could call GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent in the target process, I expect that would help - assuming the default handler that kills the process was still setup.  I haven't tried, but its not clear to me that calling a function with 2 args will work, nor is it clear how to work around this - but sadly I'm out of experimentation time today...


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