[python-win32] RE : RE : win32pdhutil.ShowAllProcesses() fails

Charles BROSSOLLET cbrossollet at imagine-optic.com
Sat Jul 15 23:22:46 CEST 2006

Yes, it works! Thank you very much! (actually "Process ID" also had to changed)
Maybe the function should be updated in next releases?


De: python-win32-bounces at python.org de la part de Roger Upole
Date: sam. 15/07/2006 21:00
À: python-win32 at python.org
Objet : [python-win32] RE : win32pdhutil.ShowAllProcesses() fails

> Charles BROSSOLLET wrote:
>> when I looked again in the archives, I looks that people who have the problem are on non-english OSes... Maybe it is related?
>> Cheers
>> Charles

Actually, I just noticed that win32pdhutil already has a function to retrieve the localized
counter name.  If you change the first line of ShowAllProcesses to
object = find_pdh_counter_localized_name('Process')
does it work ?


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