[python-win32] Re: Extracting share permissions

Roger Upole rwupole at msn.com
Tue Jan 31 23:29:28 CET 2006

>> Mark, would you write an example of this using SHARE_INFO_502?>>I'm 
>> afraid I don't have the time to do it all.>>As a clue:>>>>> import 
>> pprint>>>> pprint.pprint(win32net.NetShareEnum(None, 
>> 502))>([{'current_uses': 0,>   'max_uses': -1,>   'netname': u'IPC$',> 
>> 'passwd': None,>   'path': u'',>   'permissions': 0,>   'remark': 
>> u'Remote IPC',>   'reserved': 0,>   'security_descriptor': None,> 
>> 'type': -2147483645},>...>>Note that far more details than just the share 
>> name are returned, all of>which are probably useful.  One of these is the 
>> security_descriptor object.>Some shares will show this as:>> 
>> 'security_descriptor': <PySECURITY_DESCRIPTOR object at 0x00B6CE88>,>>A 
>> security_descriptor object probably can't be directly pickled, so it 
>> may>be necessary to look at the win32 APIs for extracting the SIDs etc 
>> from this>SD and pickling them.  Sadly that isn't my area of expertise, 
>> so it will>take me a little time to find the necessary magic.  Google 
>> probably is your>friend though, as using SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR and SID 
>> objects has come up here>in the past.>>Cheers,>>MarkThere are a couple of 
>> different options for persisting a security 
>> descriptor.buffer(security_descriptor)[:] retrieves the raw bytes in 
>> binary form.This can be passed to pywintypes.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR to 
>> recreate thePySECURITY_DESCRIPTOR.Also, you can use 
>> win32security.ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorto 
>> create a text representation 
>> andwin32security.ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorto 
>> recreate the PySECURITY_DESCRIPTOR.That reminds me, there's a bug in the 
>> routine in win32net that parses infoout of dictionaries.  If you pass in 
>> None to indicate a NULL security descriptor,you get an access violation. 
>> I'll get a fix in for that soon.        Roger 

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