[python-win32] Excel using python

John Machin sjmachin at lexicon.net
Mon Feb 20 12:53:28 CET 2006

On 20/02/2006 10:37 PM, Tim Golden wrote:
> | From: John Machin [mailto:sjmachin at lexicon.net] 
> |
> | Tim, that's fantastic. Hold out your hand for the elephant stamp :-)
> Must be an American thing? (Obligatory Monty Python
> reference: I'm sorry, old man, I don't quite follow your
> banter!)

Tim, mate, must it? It's funny how the poms think I'm a seppo, and the 
seppos think I'm a pom ... the reference is to children being rewarded 
for endeavour by having an inked rubber stamp applied to their 
extremities, typically a stamp depicting some nice creature like a 
heffalump or a bunyip.

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