[python-win32] Getting the text of the first slide of a PowerPointfile

Simon Dahlbacka simon.dahlbacka at gmail.com
Fri Apr 28 10:50:01 CEST 2006

I've done it the other way around, i.e. created powerpoint files using
python, and could probably provide an example, I'll post later tonight if I
just remember to do it..


On 4/28/06, Tim Golden <tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk> wrote:
> [Daniel Greenfeld]
> | On to part 2 of my project.  I need to be able to get the text of the
> | first slide out of a lot of Powerpoint files.  If anyone can give me
> | some handy hints, that would be appreciated.
> Daniel, I started to look at this with an eye to helping
> you out, but since I don't usually use PowerPoint it was
> taking more time than I had available. So as not to waste
> my time in looking or yours in reading... if you're still
> having problems, could you give some indication of whether
> you're stuck at the first hurdle: how do I get anything out
> of PowerPoint by any means? Or whether you've gone so far
> but some particular aspect of the Model or API is proving
> difficult?
> Thanks
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