[python-win32] mapisend.py - How does it work?

Gregory Piñero gregpinero at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 00:21:40 CET 2005

Would anyone be kind enough to explain a bit about how this
Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32comext\mapi\demos\mapisend.py demo program

Specifically I was wondering:
Does it require that I have outlook installed?
Does it require that there is an exchange server somewhere?
What is the role of the email server in all of this? Is there an SMTP server
somewhere in the process?

A. I'm curious how it works.
B. I was asked to send emails through my company's exchange server. (will
this count?) Any pointers on how to do this otherwise?

Much thanks!

Gregory Piñero
Chief Innovation Officer
Blended Technologies
(www.blendedtechnologies.com <http://www.blendedtechnologies.com>)
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#!/usr/bin/env python

"""module to send mail with Extended MAPI using the pywin32 mapi wrappers..."""

# this was based on Jason Hattingh's C++ code at http://www.codeproject.com/internet/mapadmin.asp
# written by David Fraser <davidf at sjsoft.com> and Stephen Emslie <stephene at sjsoft.com>
# you can test this by changing the variables at the bottom and running from the command line

from win32com.mapi import mapi
from win32com.mapi import mapitags

# Pre 2.2.1 compat.
try: True, False
except NameError: True = 1==1; False = 1==0

def SendEMAPIMail(Subject="", Message="", SendTo=None, SendCC=None, SendBCC=None, MAPIProfile=None):
    """Sends an email to the recipient using the extended MAPI interface
    Subject and Message are strings
    Send{To,CC,BCC} are comma-separated address lists
    MAPIProfile is the name of the MAPI profile"""

    # initialize and log on
    session = mapi.MAPILogonEx(0, MAPIProfile, None, mapi.MAPI_EXTENDED | mapi.MAPI_USE_DEFAULT)
    messagestorestable = session.GetMsgStoresTable(0)
    messagestorestable.SetColumns((mapitags.PR_ENTRYID, mapitags.PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A, mapitags.PR_DEFAULT_STORE),0)

    while True:
        rows = messagestorestable.QueryRows(1, 0)
        #if this is the last row then stop
        if len(rows) != 1:
        row = rows[0]
        #if this is the default store then stop
        if ((mapitags.PR_DEFAULT_STORE,True) in row):

    # unpack the row and open the message store
    (eid_tag, eid), (name_tag, name), (def_store_tag, def_store) = row
    msgstore = session.OpenMsgStore(0,eid,None,mapi.MDB_NO_DIALOG | mapi.MAPI_BEST_ACCESS)

    # get the outbox
    hr, props = msgstore.GetProps((mapitags.PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID), 0)
    (tag, eid) = props[0]
    #check for errors
    if mapitags.PROP_TYPE(tag) == mapitags.PT_ERROR:
        raise TypeError,'got PT_ERROR instead of PT_BINARY: %s'%eid
    outboxfolder = msgstore.OpenEntry(eid,None,mapi.MAPI_BEST_ACCESS)

    # create the message and the addrlist
    message = outboxfolder.CreateMessage(None,0)
    # note: you can use the resolveaddress functions for this. but you may get headaches
    pal = []
    def makeentry(recipient, recipienttype):
      return ((mapitags.PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE, recipienttype),
              (mapitags.PR_SEND_RICH_INFO, False),
              (mapitags.PR_DISPLAY_TYPE, 0),
              (mapitags.PR_OBJECT_TYPE, 6),
              (mapitags.PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A, recipient),
              (mapitags.PR_ADDRTYPE_A, 'SMTP'),
              (mapitags.PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A, recipient))
    if SendTo:
      pal.extend([makeentry(recipient, mapi.MAPI_TO) for recipient in SendTo.split(",")])
    if SendCC:
      pal.extend([makeentry(recipient, mapi.MAPI_CC) for recipient in SendCC.split(",")])
    if SendBCC:
      pal.extend([makeentry(recipient, mapi.MAPI_BCC) for recipient in SendBCC.split(",")])

    # add the resolved recipients to the message

    # save changes and submit

if __name__ == '__main__':
   MAPIProfile = ""
   # Change this to a valid email address to test
   SendTo = "an.invalid at address"
   SendMessage = "testing one two three"
   SendSubject = "Testing Extended MAPI!!"
   SendEMAPIMail(SendSubject, SendMessage, SendTo, MAPIProfile=MAPIProfile)

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