[python-win32] Using a COM interface where the objects don't have ProgIDs

John Clark clajo04 at mac.com
Thu Mar 24 04:21:21 CET 2005

My apologies if this is something that should be obvious to me, but I 
cannot figure out how to use a typelib if that typelib does not 
establish ProgID values for the CoClasses.

The class that was created by EnsureModule() is as follows:

class CaWHarvest(CoClassBaseClass): # A CoClass
	# CaWHarvest Class
	CLSID = IID('{70107C62-8ABB-11D5-961B-0010A4F73DE4}')
	coclass_sources = [
	default_source = _ICaWHarvestEvents
	coclass_interfaces = [
	default_interface = ICaWHarvest

I have tried calling win32com.client.Dispatch(None, resultCLSID = 
IID('{70107C62-8ABB-11D5-961B-0010A4F73DE4}')) but this returned a 
'Class Not registered' error.  I have searched the registry for the 
above CLSID and have found entries, so to the best of my knowledge this 
COM component is registered.  Beyond that I am afraid I have exceeded 
my knowledge of COM & Python.

My only experience with calling COM components from Python has been in 
situations where the class has a ProgID that I would pass into 
Dispatch() as the parameter... I suppose I could force a programmatic 
ID by creating something in the registry, but it seems there should be 
an answer without doing that.

Could someone point me in the right direction?  I am sure I am just 
missing something obvious.

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